I STRONGLY SUSPECT thazt Office 2013 is backward compatible with Office 2007 which has different format files tham Office 2003 had. I fix PCs for a living and this is for a job starting tomorrow at 3 PM EST so I request answers BEFORE then to both (1) and (2) but especially (1). My problem here is customer PC (running Win XP) does not boot and customer does not remember which version of Office (2003 or 2007) he was using? Now once I get onsite I have a way of accessing his HD and can quickly find out what version of Office he had but I prefer to know the answer to above questions for BOTH CASES rather than figure it out onsite. (2) Same as (1) except compatibility with Office 2007, not Office 2003. Microsoft office 20 is fully compatible with Windows 7.Office 2003 does not work with windows 7.If you want free software like Microsoft Office then you can try this:- It.

Will Word read Word 2003 files AUTOMATICALLY. (1) Is Office 2013 backward compatible with Office 2003 files nad/or Office 2007 files (i.e Will Office 2013 read WITH NO EXPLICIT USER EFFORT (ie NOT use Office 2003 to Office 2007 conversion programs supplied for free from MS). Note OS for new PC with Office 2013 is Windows 8.